Home > Let me tell you about my secret debt.

Let me tell you about my secret debt.

June 9th, 2013 at 08:20 pm

Hello. My name is MacKenzie, and I'm about to pay down a truckload of debt no one knows I have. I found this site after frantic Google searches and really liked the idea of a supportive community of people tracking their daily successes and challenges. So many of the personal finance blogs and resources out there just scream at you. "Live like me and YOU TOO can be a millionaire!" "15000 ways to CUT DOWN your grocery bill!" I like hearing stories, not one-liners and Top 10 lists.

Close friends and family are used to my cheerful broke girl anecdotes, but these so-called tales of woe are mandatory table talk among 20-somethings in New York. The first time you hear a friend complain about "being broke" en route to the Hamptons is the last time you have faith that anyone really knows what that means here.

I've kept quiet about my debt because I'm embarrassed by it. For the most part, choices - not misfortune - got me here. I'm sure the details on that will emerge later. When I think about my debt, I feel like an irresponsible child. As someone who prides herself on her immunity to status symbols and luxury living, I am in awe of the way my credit card bills reflects that of a chick with way more handbags. Nearly all of my problems can be attributed to misguided decisions I made in my first two years in New York - jobs that didn't pay enough, moving before I could afford to, continuing education classes I didn't need, prolonged unemployment while waiting for "the perfect job". I don't live large now, but it's been nearly impossible to undo the damage of the past without a windfall of cash.

Anyway, it's time I laid it all out there. I'm tired of financial insecurity defining me, limiting me, and destroying my morale. I'm tired of living paycheck to paycheck and wondering if it ever gets better, if I can ever enjoy a sunny brunch without agonizing over the cost of an avocado add-on.

I have $6,000 I need to pay off by March. I receive an annual bonus of between $5-15k (pre-tax), and while all signs are pointing to a good year, I am going to live under the assumption that it will be $5k after all (so $3,500 after tax). That leaves $2,500 to pay off until then, which is no small feat considering my income and the tight margins I live within. But I can do it. I have to.

9 Responses to “Let me tell you about my secret debt.”

  1. Kristina Says:

    Welcome! You can do it!

  2. Looking Forward Says:

    Love, love your title. Big Grin

  3. Petunia in a Flower Garden Says:

    Welcome! You can do this!

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    Welcome. It really is possible to pay off your debts. The accountability found here is so helpful as is the encouragement.

  5. imarunner Says:

    welcome to savingadvice. i'm new here too and feel it's important to be around people of like-mind when it comes to finances and paying off debt. you sound geared up like me and as i was reading your post, i was nodding my head because i can identify with so many things you said. i am ashamed too, but after that blows over, it's time to do something about it. look forward to following your journey.

  6. PatientSaver Says:

    NYC is incredibly expensive place to live. Everyone wants to, but I would think it would take some very careful planning to make it work.

  7. baselle Says:

    Welcome! Even though this community is strewn throughout the world, every one of us had a story like yours and we had a moment just like yours. Come blog with us and share your story. We will be helpful, but we will tell it like we see it.

    Right now in NYC you have a known identity and a secret debt. Its freeing if somewhere you have a secret identity and a known debt. We can be your somewhere.

  8. cheapchampagne Says:

    Thanks all! Appreciate the support and looking forward to reading all of your blogs.

  9. Baby_nurse Says:

    Welcome, MacKenzie. I've been there and am coming out the other side. You can do it, too.

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